About C

Hey! Thank you for visiting. You and I needed to connect and that’s why you are here. Don’t believe me? Okay, answer this question: What brought you here? No, I don’t mean here as in, into this world (although that’s a good question to ask every once in a while!) How did you find me and why are you still reading if you’re really not keen to find out what happens next!

Well, we are about to discover how our lives are going to impact or let’s say matter to each other.

You are either a Seeker, you want more out of your current state of being and everytime you try to make a list of what you want to do or achieve, you as yourself, but how? by when? Is it even possible? who decides?

You are perhaps a Dreamer, you have big lofty cloudy ideas of what can be your future. You can fly, you can swim, you can even travel through time but only coz it’s not in reality. You make yourself fall with a thud, drown in your hope or let someone do it for you.

You could also be Nobody, you don’t really exist, not in your mind nor in the minds of those who surround you. You can become a shadow, stay in oblivion but, there is life that breathes within you and reminds you to wake up and act on your dispensibility.

Am I speaking to you or I’m wrong you say? Then tell me who you are and while you think of what to say, let me take my turn to tell you who I am. But before that know that our lives have come together now, it will be hard to let go. You can try to leave or give us an opportunity to just matter and make a difference to the future.

I’m a student of growth. I actually focus on everything that can change, adapt, mould, transform, metamorphose, reach-out, leap… you get the drift. While I love collecting and watching seeds become saplings and then full grown plants, my favourite growth patterns to impact and follow are human beings. That’s where you come in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no know-it-all. I’m an evolving student working with you and many more and for some reason everytime we connect, there is a new realisation and often a new way of being emerges.

You might think, where is this going for really I might not be your person to connect with as the proof of concept has been my life’s work with young adults. Yes, the 14 to 24 year olds have been my teachers.

My extensive experience with education & parenting for over 17 years and a long drawn connection with guiding students towards university education, has given me an insight not just about admissions across the world, but also about the tenets of excellence and the winner’s mindset that is needed to grow into young adults who contribute before demanding and give before they ask.

It is this inner journey of growth, the reflective process of living before lessons, shaping-up before scoring, and developing resilience before report cards that I write about. It naturally feeds into my connection with my students, their families and my own journey towards making sure that we can positively matter to each other and to more.

So what’s this got to do with you? Well, perhaps nothing, and if that’s what you think then, thanks for visiting. However, if you feel that there is a connect and a possibility that exists, do reach out. Better still, don’t keep it to yourself, share this connection with others who may benefit too!

And if you preferred the more straightoforward introduction to who am I and what do I do;

Charushilla is a a high-impact education professional with an experience of over a decade of working with school and college students. She’s designed a seamless milestone process to mentor young adults that not only leads them to their dream universities but also prepares them for life. Her students have been selected at some of the best universities of the world – LSE, Columbia, NYU, Georgia Tech, UCB, UCLA, Boston, Durham, Kings, Geneva School of Diplomacy and many more. Moreover, empowering students with more than 45 million dollars in scholarships in less than 3 years, Charushilla believes that the story of her life is intertwined with the journey of her students that continues to be shaped through parenting (good or bad), the social media and their inner calling.

It’s no coincidence that you’re still reading about me! Let me direct you to my favourite blog.

Happy reading ๐Ÿ™‚

9 thoughts on “About C

  1. Congratulations !! Charu for your initiative into this noble field of education – may all your dreams come true – Good luck n God speed. ๐Ÿ™‚

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